Ready, Set, DO IT!
Okay – It’s a new year, but no new excuses – we’ve heard ’em all and we’ve used ‘em all. NOW IT’S TIME TO DO IT! Are we all ready to get serious about losing weight, being more active and maintaining a healthier life style? Good! – Lets do it!
I was thinking it might be fun to set up a “weigh in” schedule like Weight Watchers does. Here’s my proposal:
1) Everybody pick the day of the week that they want to “officially” weigh in for this site, and that day post your success (hopefully).
2) Pick a “goal” weight
3) Since many of us may not care to plaster our actual weight on a web site for the world (or even each other) to see, I propose this as a format:
Goal: # lbs you want to lose
Total: # lbs lost so far
This week: +/-# lbs gained or lost this week
My weigh in day is Thursday, so until this Thursday, my stats are:
Goal: 17
Total: 3
This week: -3
I want to lose a total of 17 (and KEEP it off!); through my last weigh-in (last Thursday) I had lost 3 lbs; and in my last weigh in (last Thursday) I had lost 3 lbs. I will weigh in again this Thrusday and hopefully my numbers will change a bit.
I don't know about you guys, but I could use the accountability of having to post my success or failure to my friends for support or harrasment - whichever you think I deserve!
What do you say? are you in?
I was thinking it might be fun to set up a “weigh in” schedule like Weight Watchers does. Here’s my proposal:
1) Everybody pick the day of the week that they want to “officially” weigh in for this site, and that day post your success (hopefully).
2) Pick a “goal” weight
3) Since many of us may not care to plaster our actual weight on a web site for the world (or even each other) to see, I propose this as a format:
Goal: # lbs you want to lose
Total: # lbs lost so far
This week: +/-# lbs gained or lost this week
My weigh in day is Thursday, so until this Thursday, my stats are:
Goal: 17
Total: 3
This week: -3
I want to lose a total of 17 (and KEEP it off!); through my last weigh-in (last Thursday) I had lost 3 lbs; and in my last weigh in (last Thursday) I had lost 3 lbs. I will weigh in again this Thrusday and hopefully my numbers will change a bit.
I don't know about you guys, but I could use the accountability of having to post my success or failure to my friends for support or harrasment - whichever you think I deserve!
What do you say? are you in?
At 9:36 AM,
blondie said…
I'm in. I read a lot better than I manage my weight and I just read yet another report on the value of having a support network and specifially one where (even if by email) someone was checking in on you and saying how is it going, how much have you lost, what are you having trouble with... So, I'll pick a weigh in day (one of the many that I have each week) and start being accountable! Goal- 10, so far- 0 (but I'm having a good week).
At 2:54 AM,
bonton said…
I started eating healthier about three weeks ago. I joined W.W. two weeks ago. So far I've lost 10 lbs. I'm doing the flex plan.
I believe in setting small goals because my overall goal is so daunting that it seems impossible. My overall goal is to loose 70 lbs - see what I mean! So I'm setting smaller (20 lbs at a time) goals. I'm half way to my first goal and it feels great.
At 9:02 AM,
10-8-ious said…
Welcome, Bonnie! That's a GREAT way to do it. I agree. I didn't set my overall goal at what "the charts" say I should be, because I know I can't maintain that, and I don't need to be my "perfect" weight to be happy. I like setting smaller goals along the way -- right now I am trying for 6 lbs by Valentines -- don't know that I'll make it but it will keep me really focused on eating right EVERYDAY. Otherwise the long term goal is so far out that it's easy to blow off from day to day.
At 9:11 AM,
10-8-ious said…
I am hoping Micro has the "keys" to get everyone hooked up -- Pureassnow wants on too. If not we will have to contact Shortstory for the "keys"
Okay so lets all be supportive at the parties this weekend -- go for the carrots instead of the carrot cake! :-)
How many calories are their in a serving of Ground Hog, anyway?
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