The Daily Diet--news you can loose

A chronicle of our personal quest to loose weight

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Eating Out without Pigging Out

Okay, so I am on day three of my Weight Watchers routine and it's going pretty well. I'm staying within my daily alotment of points and I have been to the gym three days this week so far. I actaully don't find dieting all that difficult on a normal daily basis (right, so why do I keep straying off of it? Don't know!) I enjoy a lot of healthy foods and I live alone so I don't have to stock the house with a bunch of evil crap for any co-habitants, AND I work from home, so I am really in control of my environment. Until I go out to eat . . .

My boss will be in town for a couple of days this week and I have two nights of dinner out with him and two days of lunches out with him. This is a challenge for a few reasons. 1) I will be tempted by evil things that I sholdn't eat -- even if I order something sensible it is not going to be made with low/no fat ingredents, so even if it's pretty good, it's not great 2) reastraunts usually serve much larger portions then what I would eat at home or what WW considers a portion 3) it's very difficult to figure the "points" in a meal you didn't prepare yourself (althoughWW does have a web site with chain restraunt menue points).

I realize this sounds like a bunch of lame excuses to blow my diet, and I don't mean it that way. I know that with a little dicipline (I think I have a little of that in me - not sure) I can order someting sensible, eat only as much as I "should", and I can estimate the points the best I can. But still, when you are looking at a two day block and know that 4 out of 6 of your meals are going to be reastraunt meals - YIKES!

So I won't brag about the 1.5 lbs I lost Monday and Tuesday, because by Friday I probably will have found them again! UGH!


  • At 4:49 PM, Blogger shortstory said…

    Go to Applebee's--they have Weight Watches meals on the menu and they include the points!
    Good Luck


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