The Daily Diet--news you can loose

A chronicle of our personal quest to loose weight

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Down again

I'm down again, and that's a good thing! Went to WW last night and lost another pound and a half. My total weight loss so far is between 15 and 17 lbs - you know how weight fluctuates. My short term goal is for 15 more lbs and then I have a long term goal of 40 more lbs after that... so that means I have a grand total of 55 to go. I measured my waist, chest and hips a week and a half ago and yesterday I re- measured and lost a half inch off my waist and a half inch off my hips. I didn't re-measure my chest. I don't wanna know how much smaller that is~! My jeans fit looser, my scrubs are getting baggy and when I look in the mirror, I can see the difference in my face.

This week I started walking a half hour every day. I learned on my first day to carry my cell phone and pepper spray. I was nearly attacked by a Pit Bull who was running loose. He's at the Pound now.

I can't recommend the book, "YOU on a Diet" too much. It's chock full of information that is so useful! Next week I'm going to start the Beginning Workout from the Website, I downloaded it (free) and am actually looking forward to incorporating this with my new regimen.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I'm Back!

I'm Back and I'm Back. First I had to re-route myself to use the blog. This took 2 days. Second, after a very weird week last week, I feel like I am really on track again this week- a pot of "YOU" soup going in the crock pot (from "YOU on a Diet" as commented by pureassnow) and a perfect workout schedule week-to-date (including this AM which involved 3 attempts to get thru the drifts in my drive to go do a weights workout with my exercise partner).

But first: Congratulation to 10-8 and to pureassnow for excellent progress! Hopefully you are both experiencing some of the momentum that comes from making great progress. It always seems to me that it's the very best fuel for keeping you on track.

To report my numbers from this weeks weigh in: 10/4/2 ( I think that's right- total to lose, total last week, total so far). Last weeks lose was surely the fault of the flu that I experienced at the end of the week. I had one of the worst work out schedules I have had in ages and was only okay in the food department. Never mind, I got rid of the 2 pounds I'd gained the week before plus two- and, since the scales have said the same thing for 3 days running, I believe it is real.

When I am having a successful week food-wise, I am always aware that it has a lot to do with having a "food plan"- a big pot of soup put together at the beginning of the week, some kind of pasta or rice dish that will cover a couple of nights, a big container of salad mix made up and ready to add to and fresh fruit in the fridge- the good stuff has got to be SO easy to get to that I will not have any excuse to tear the cupboards apart grazing on the junk.

That's my "news you can use" for today. Stay warm.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Thursday Weigh In

Down 1.6 this week! :) honestly, that is a gift! And I am going accept it graciously -- and quietly and hope I don't get "caught" by the diet police.

I feel like I wasn't very good this week, but I couldn't have been THAT bad - I stayed OP (on plan) but I eat EVERY LAST ONE of my flex points this week and I did not exercise once and I really fell off the water wagon. So just think how much better I might have done if I had all that going for me too!

Next Wednesday is Valentines Day and my mini- goal was 6 lbs by VD, so I have .6 to go -- if I stay OP I think I can do it! My reward is a full body massage. Then I will need a new mini challenge -- anybody want to set a goal for St Patricks Day or Easter if you want a longer one - - We could say we were "losing eggstra pounds" -- get it -- Easter -- "eggstra" (ha ha)

Who's up for a challenge?


Monday, February 05, 2007

The Daily Diet--news you can loose

I didn't deserve this, either

I weighed in this morning- I guess I have picked Sunday or Monday as my official day. I had a very good work out week last week and thought I was being very good food-wise- at least M-F. I did, however, drink appoximately one bottle of wine on each Friday and Saturday night. Do you suppose that's why I'm up 2 pounds from last week? It sucks. Sunday is supposed to be a dependable day to start my week with a run- outside- not on the boring treadmill. My daughter reported to me as I was waking up "the thermometer says 2, with a minus in front of it. Guess what happened to my run. My workout partner and I skipped this morning- so of course neither of us did the workout on our own... I'm off to a bad start for the week. I know- I can hear it for myself- they are all sorry excuses. I've got get this turned around. So, to update my numbers- I guess I am 10/+2/+2 which of course means I really now have 12 pounds to loose. ARGHHHHH!

I didn't deserve this!

I don't deserve to have the scale give me the same # this Monday morning as it did Friday morning -- not after the weekend I had! The only good thing I did was not go to a super bowl party (only because it was canceled -- lucky for me, Bill the Dog was sick as a dog!) I went to a party Friday night and ate some evil things -- could have stuck to the boiled fish dinner with yummy salmon and vegies, but no - I opted for the gumbo (with sausage) and a piece of fried chicken (didn't eat the whole piece of chicken, but made sure I got all the crispy skin!) I was relatively okay on Saturday -- a couple of handfuls of peanuts I didn't need. And then on Sunday attended a Pastie Dinner at church -- I had a vegitarian pastie, but it was the pie crust the veggies were wrapped in that was a killer -- had to be pure butter (if not lard!)

So imagine my surprise when I got on the scale this morning and it said I had maintaned the same weight -- maybe if I exercise hard today all that fat I inhaled over the weekend will not catch up to me!? I can hope!

How did the rest of you do this weekend?


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thursday Weigh In

Thursday is my official WI day and I am down .8# from last week. I was hoping for a full lb, but I will take what I can get. I've been being VERY good with my food -- I've been OP (on plan) all week and made it to the gym 3 times -- more would be better, but at least I'm doin' it.

I have set a "mini goal" for myself of 6 lbs by Valentines Day and I am down 3.8 since I started, so I am moving in the right direction, but I'm not sure I can do 2.2 in the next 2 weeks -- but it's a good goal to strive for, even if I don't quite hit it. This week(end) is going to be a killer - two partys which will include lots of fun (evil) foods and drink. I need to stay focused --remember that parties are for enjoying the company I'm with and doesn't have to include over eating or drinking. (you guys help me remember that when you see me headed to the food table!)

How's everybody else doin?
